Work Week June 11th to 18th, 2023

Our annual work week at the International Circus Hall of Fame will be held during June 11th to 18th, 2023. Volunteers and Board members will be there from around the country to help clean-up, make improvements, paint etc. One of our major efforts will be working on the old American Circus Corporation Office Building. Plan on joining us that week and be part of the circus experience. Help us for an hour, maybe a day, or possibly all week, whatever your schedule will allow.
Roof has been replaced.
The Main Office Building of the old American Circus Corporation has had the roof completely replaced. Volunteers and Board members took this huge project on in June of 2019. With the roof completely re-done, the next step will be to re-do the complete electrical system. By the time work week is over in May, we should have power in the building again. This will allow us to continue the restoration of this significant building.

Volunteers at Work!
Volunteers are the backbone of any successful operation or organization. We are fortunate to have Dennis Eckersley along with Regine Brindle and Billie Simmons Rockey out at the Circus Hall of Fame for the last few days cleaning up, painting, planting flowers and More. Thank you all!
New Signs
The International Circus Hall of Fame will be installing some new Aluminum, 18″ x 24″ historical signs on the existing buildings during work week. These signs will help tell the story of the activities that occurred at the American Circus Corporation winter quarters.
Many Thanks
We would like to Publicly Thank the many contributors that help the International Circus Hall of Fame throughout the course of the year. Your response to the Wheel Fund to repair the Robbins Bros. baggage wagon wheels included a $500.00 donation from the Beta Gamma Chapter of the PSI IOTA XI Sorority and a $600.00 donation from the Circus Fans Association. There was also a Matching $500.00 Donation from an anonymous donor plus several other contributors. All of this is greatly appreciated.